Thursday, September 19, 2013


Read the title of today's blog out loud to your self. Firstly, I cant believe you actually just did that. Secondly, did you sound like a frog? Thirdly, you just said it out loud again to check that you sounded like a frog. I'm happy to say that you did indeed sound like a frog, probably not to other frogs but possibly to another human.

The reason for the frog analogy is because somewhere around France, there are a hell of a lot of them pulling themselves around by their front legs. Poor things. This is because today, Ben ate a huge plate of their back legs.

We decided, as this was one of our last days in St Chinian, we would go back and have lunch in our favourite place. We chose Roquebrun and Le Petit Nice - a mere 25 minutes away. This is where Ben had the large plate of aforementioned Frog appendages for his lunch. Pic below. Check out the garlic! The French do not fuck around with their garlic, that's for sure. Having said that, although the use of the garlic may appear to be excessive, it wasn't and worked perfectly.

Les legs de les frogs (not real French)

No legs and lots of garlic

We also had snails, omelette and a sausage dish. the Old Trout (Not you Nana, Chris) had trout and almonds, which was superb.

Fancy French fish and chips

After lunch, we went down to the river for a swim then onto the go karting place to give the kids another rip around the huge course. They loved it and were both tearing around a lot faster this time with their confidence higher due to this being their second attempt..

Scott Dixon and Danica Patrick

When we returned to St Chinian, it was nose down time for the kids. the stability of our location ends shortly so they needed to catch up on their vast amount of homework. Nice one Mum and Dad, ask the teachers to keep them up to date and they get hit with tons of work. Oh well, they are both taking it on the chin and agree that it is better that they stay relatively up to date while they swan around Europe. We, on the other hand went wine tasting! There were 2 wines in particular that we were seeking out - a muscat from nearby St Jean de Minervois (to be drunk with our dear friends the Dashwood's and the Webb's who love their sweet wines) and a chardonnay from Mas de Daumas Gassac - a pricier number that is very hard to find. Too hard to find as it turns out, we couldn't find any. However, we were lucky enough to try lots of it with Susan and Frederic in Montpellier.

I am writing this at approx 8.15pm. We like to dine later when we dine in the South of France :) Dinner will be a light affair tonight as we build up to the final (here's hoping) America's Cup race in about 2 hours. We are thinking either baked beans on toast or a salad of crisp romain lettuce, jambon cru, heirloom tomatoes and grilled goats cheese. I'm thinking we go with the salad.


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