Monday, August 31, 2009

One more sleep...

Its all happening soon - only one sleep until we hit that big bird in the sky.

a bientot mes amies!

Love The Schwarz

Monday, August 3, 2009


This is a test. You should automatically receive an emial saying that we have posted a new blog. Can you please email us on to let us know you made it onto our email list for regular blog updating...thanks!


Hey - welcome to our blog!

We intend on using this to keep you (our friends, family and classmates) updated with what we are doing in France. We will let you all know what we are up to and throw in some photos of some of what we experience just so you are all extra jealous!

Only 4 weeks to go now before we head off. The kids are exceptionally excited about the plane trip. Chris and I, having done this before, are not that excited. We are a long way from Europe....

Everything is pretty much ready to go - just the last little things to organise. Bring it on!!